There are various preventive and analytical applications of IR technology: inspection and maintenance of buildings, construction, public works…

The objectives set by the European Union H2020 program aim to achieve energy savings of 20%, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% and ensure 20% of renewable energy There are various preventive and analytical applications of IR technology: inspection and maintenance of buildings, construction and public works. Precisely, building sector has been identified as responsible for approximately 40% of the energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the European Union. Heating and hot water represents 84% of a building energy consumption.

Spanish dwelling stock is outdated, 85% of residential housing was built before 1999 and therefore many of them could have problems in their façade.

LIR-Infrared LAB works in the development of a cutting hedge tool, Fluxographe IR (FIR), based on IR sensors and image processing for precise quantification of energy losses on buildings. This device is foreseen to be low cost, light, automatic and able to provide self-explanatory processed images. Other advantages would be: autonomous operation mode from a control point or easy and hand-held use by non-professional users.