ProSAVE; Behavioral modeling of materials of aeronautical interest under fire
CENIT Program was designed by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and managed by the CDTI and was intended to encourage research and innovation in Spain promoting cooperation between industry, research centers and universities..
LIR – InfraRed LAB was part of the consortium and worked on the determination of thermal parameters of composite material and its behavioural modelling. Working together with the Airbus Military fire laboratory, the thermal characterization of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) subjected to fire and the elaboration of empirical models of its behavior were pursued.
ProSAVE project current status has provided the following results:
- Spectral adaptation of the infrared camera to measure correctly the temperature in the region of flame application (hot face), avoiding spectrally the flame effect in the IR measurement. This research finished with the design of a specific IR camera to measure accurately the temperature evolution during fire test. (taking into account the spectral filtering of the flame and the tough condition presented into a fire test)Spectral adaptation of the infrared camera to measure correctly the temperature in the region of flame application (hot face), avoiding spectrally the flame effect in the IR measurement. This research finished with the design of a specific IR camera to measure accurately the temperature evolution during fire test (taking into account the spectral filtering of the flame and the tough condition presented into a fire test).

Figure: IR image of a flame with different IR spectral filters
- Study and definition of the different degradation stages produced in CFRP during the fire application. For ProSAVE project was essential using a tool, designed and developed by LIR-InfraRedLAB, called Thermal Profiles Dual System (TPDS)

Figure: Thermal Profiles Dual System during a fire test in the LIR-UC3M facilities
- Establishment of a validation methodology through models based on empirical measurements provided by IR systems during the fire tests.
Development of a methodology for the characterization of CFRP in fire. This work was presented in 11th Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Convection (11thQIRT) with the title: Infrared thermography methodology for the non-invasive characterization of thermal behavior of FCR-Composite materials in a fire.. Through this methodology several CFRP of aeronautical interest have been characterize and validate:
- Carbon fiber reinforced composite with epoxy resin and fiber placement fabrication procedure
- Carbon fiber reinforced composite with BMI resin and fiber placement fabrication procedure
- Carbon fiber reinforced composite with epoxy resin and woven fabrication procedure
- Thermal characterization of hybrid materials composed by CFRP + metallic part from structural parts of the plane (door handle, ironwork…)
- Determination of defects produced during the fire application (delaminations, bubbles, fiber breaks…)

Figure: Inner defects detection on burnt CFRP using IR-NDT