Spectral Analysis

Spectral Analysis

IR Spectroscopy can study almost any matter, regardless of its physical state

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Thermography and Radiometry

Thermography and Radiometry

High accuracy, non-contact temperature measurement. How to translate electromagnetic radiation into temperature

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Non Destructive Testing

Non Destructive Testing

Contactless non-destructive testing (NDT) based on infrared sensors is one of the key lines of research of LIR-InfraRed LAB

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Design and Simulation

Design and Simulation

Simulation software for predicting materials behavior under high temperatures

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Featured content

Thermography and Radiometry

High accuracy, non-contact temperature measurement; how to translate electromagnetic radiation...

Design and Simulation

Simulation software for predicting materials behavior under high temperature 3D FireSimulator...

HITCOMP: High Temperature characterization and modelling of thermoplastic composites

Clean Sky 2 aims to deliver full-scale in-flight demonstration of novel architectures and...


Papers - A. Anzalone, M. Bertaina, S. Briz, C. Cassardo, R. Cremonini, A. J. de Castro,S....

Microleaks detection in EFA wings

Eurofighter (EFA) wing micro-leak detection using specific IR detection systems. The inspection of...


MIR TIR VIS / NIR Spectroradiometry Imaging Spectroradiometry Black bodies...


Avda. de la Universidad, 30Universidad Carlos III de MadridCampus de LeganésEdificio Torres...