by dabenito | Nov 6, 2015 | Featured content, projects
Eurofighter (EFA) wing micro-leak detection using specific IR detection systems. The inspection of fuel tanks is an obligation prior to the delivery of the aircraft. Currently, leak detection is performed by applying soapy liquid, which generates bubbles indicative of...
by dabenito | Nov 6, 2015 | projects
Fire ´10, Predictive behavioral models of CFRP under fire loading Development and validation of predictive behavioral models of fiber reinforced composites under fire loading. Due to their low weight and high mechanical resistance, fiber reinforced composite materials...
by dabenito | Nov 6, 2015 | projects
ProSAVE; Behavioral modeling of materials of aeronautical interest under fire CENIT Program was designed by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and managed by the CDTI and was intended to encourage research and innovation in Spain promoting cooperation between...
by dabenito | Nov 6, 2015 | projects
To explore and get to know Mars is one of the great scientific challenges of our time. ExoMars’18 Mission aims to contribute to it providing knowledge of the Martian surface. The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of...
by dabenito | Nov 6, 2015 | Featured content, Research
Simulation software for predicting materials behavior under high temperature 3D FireSimulator (3DFS) is based on the research carried out by the LIR-Infrared Lab of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid on heat propagation phenomena in composite materials under load of...