Different tools and techniques based on IR science to raise the level of performance of renewable energy facilities:

Non-contact temperature measurement using infrared technology
Bodies emit thermal radiation and it can be measure in the infrared range using infrared cameras calibrated for this purpose. Starting from radiation, temperature can be precisely calculated from as far away as hundreds of miles.
Invisible to the human eye, this radiation will be detected and measured by the infrared cameras. This devices use the energy emitted by the object (passive detection) and do not need external lighting.
Non-contact infrared temperature measurement is a widespread technology. But long distance application requires technical expertise in lens calibration and infrared technology. Given the complexity of it, its implementation is highly innovative. For instance, precise temperature measurement of the central receiver of a solar power plant.
Non-Contact Testing system for photovoltaic solar panels

One of the biggest objection to IR traditional testing techniques lies in the encapsulation; once the module is within the protective glass, IR traditional testing techniques become blurred and hardly understandable.
LIR Infrared LAB researchers applied Lock-in thermography to see beyond the protective glass and complete an excellent quality test control in situ, accurately showing damaged module parts; allowing repairing only on damaged areas. With no light source required; this testing technique can be performed at night, outside regular power production cycles.

Hidden defect detection on wind generator blades
LIR-Infrared LAB has an extensive experience in Non-Destructive Testing of composites. This techniques can be applied to detect hidden defects or imperfections that unable an efficient operation, when apparently there is no damage.
NDT-IR is a useful technique to exanimate wind generator blades, without dismantling or stopping the process.